What the Grand Canyon Looks Like During a Lightning Storm

The Grand Canyon is spectacular anytime; but during a lightning storm, it’s really a sight to see.

Grand Canyon during lightning storm

Source: webalia.com via webalia on Pinterest

Since thunderstorms are something of a rare occurrance in the area around the Grand Canyon, there isn’t much of an opportunity to get shots like these; but thanks to the patience and skill of nature photographers, we’re all able to enjoy the view.

lightning strikes in the Grand Canyon

Source: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net via Jenny on Pinterest

The lightning brings out colors in the Canyon we don’t normally see, allowing us to appreciate it in new and different ways.

During one of our Grand Canyon helicopter flights, you’ll see all the beauty the area has to offer and even descend below the rim. On the way, you’ll also get spectacular views of the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. If you’re going to be visiting Las Vegas, our tours should definitely be on your must-do list.
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